Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

February 15 - 29, 2016

The end of February was still a bit slow with few new arrivals being seen. On Febraury 28 American Woodcocks began to display in NJ Meadowlands outside DeKorte along Valley Brook Ave. Others were reported at Halifax Rd. in Mahwah. Wilson's Snipe were being seen in wet areas of the county especially Meadowlands. Peregrines continue to be very active along the Palisades at State Line Lookout. A few birds were seen in Meadowlands area too. Eagles have been seen up and down the Hackensack River, with Alice on eggs in Ridgefield.

February 1 - 15, 2016

February seems to be the least birded month in Bergen County, some interesting birds were seen around the area. Killdeer are being reported around the Meadowlands. Eastern Meadowlark seen perched in tree on Kingsland Landfill. Wilson's Snipe and Eastern Towhee seen at Teaneck Creek on February 1, Horned Larks were spotted in Westwood, Red-breasted Merganser at Oradell Reservoir, possible Golden Eagle spotted over NJ Turnpike February 12, Red-breasted Nuthatch seen at a Hillsdale feeder. Orange-crowned Warbler was still being seen at DeKorte, Bluebirds were still being spotted in Mary Patrick Park and Halifax Rd. in Mahwah. As the water opens up, more ducks are being seen around in the open water at locations like The Celery Farm and The Meadowlands as well the reservoirs. February 10 90+ Rusty Blackbirds were seen in the wet woods of Closter Nature Center.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

January 2016 Birding in Bergen

        104 species have been identified this month to start off the new year. January started off warm, 40 degrees in most areas. Bergen County had lots of open water. Winter ducks had started to arrive but numbers were low in most areas. Only 1 Canvasback was seen in Richard DeKorte Park during the first week. About a dozen were seen by mid-month. This number is very low for the winter. But, on January 29, 203 were counted in DeKorte! The lakes and ponds froze by mid-month and ducks moved to the rivers. Lake Tappan, Oradell Reservoir, Merhoff Pond in Little Ferry and The Meadowlands held most of the ducks. Among the rare ducks seen in January, multiple Redhead were spotted in Franklin Lakes, American Wigeon were seen at The Celery Farm, Darlington Park and DeKorte, a single Common Goldeneye was on the Hackensack River at Saw Mill Creek during the end of the month and a single Long-tailed Duck was in the river south of River Barge Park on the 29th. Pied-billed Grebes were seen at Oradell Res., Saw Mill Creek, Passaic River in Garfield and Merhoff Pond.
        3 Great Egrets were seen the first week on January in DeKorte Park and multiple Great Blue Herons were seen in around the county including the reservoirs, The Meadowlands and Saw Mill WMA along the Hackensack. A single Black-crowned Night Heron was seen in Saw Mill WMA. A dozen or so American Coots were seen on the Hackensack River near Saw Mill Creek.
        Raptors were somewhat hard to find with the exception of Bald Eagles. They were seen along any of the 3 rivers (Hackensack, Passaic and Hudson) as well as the reservoirs. Some folks saw 6-10 birds in a day. Although Disposal Rd. in The Meadowlands had been "slow" for raptors this winter, all 3 Falcons, Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawk, Red-tailed and Northern Harrier were seen throughout The Meadowlands region. Most of the hawks were seen throughout the county as well. Red-shouldered Hawks were seen at The Celery Farm. On January 29, the first Rough-legged hawk of the year was spotted in DeKorte. 4 species of Owls, Barn, Screech, Great-horned and Barred have been spotted this month. No sightings of any winter owls (Long-earred, Short-earred or Saw-whet) were reported.
       Ravens continue to be spotted all around the county with numerous sightings in The Meadowlands district, The Palisades, The Celery Farm and the Ramapo Mountains. American Crows and Fish Crows are staging and roosting in Elmwood Park, near the Passaic River. The group numbers over 3000 birds.
       As for the passerines, a single Marsh Wren was seen and heard the first few days of January in DeKorte, but not after the 4th. Brown Creeper was at The Celery Farm as was Winter Wren. Winter Wren was also spotted at Teaneck Creek. Both Kinglets were seen around the area. Hermit Thrush was seen at Losen Slote. Bluebirds were seen in Mary Patrick Park and in Mahwah. Brown Thrasher was spotted at The Celery Farm and Teaneck Creek. Gray Catbird was seen in Mahwah and Oradell. Carolina Wrens seemed to make it through the cold stretch and have been seen throughout the county. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were spotted in a few locations but have been scarce. A Pileated Woodpecker gave real nice views at Halifax Rd. mid-month. 3 Warbler species were seen, all in DeKorte Park. Palm Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler and Orange-crowned were seen early in the month. Orange-crowned was spotted again the last week. Another bird was spotted on the 21st at Teaneck Creek, a first for that location. Blackbirds have been scarce as well as Grackles, but they will soon come back. Rusty Blackbirds have been seen at The Celery Farm, Teaneck Creek and 41 were seen at Overpeck Park. Others were seen in Franklin Lakes and Demarest. The regular sparrows are being seen around the county in smaller numbers with White-crowned Sparrows being seen in The Meadowlands, the best spot in the county for them. Purple Finches have been reported at The Celery Farm and Pine Siskins have been reported in the northern part of the county at private feeders.

I've added 2 gadgets to the blog to help track bird sightings, Bird Trax and Accubirder. both are powered by eBird. Some of the rare birds seen this month are below.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

It actually felt like migration

Yesterday was my day to do point counts for a friend's migration project. It actually felt like spring migration since I heard multiple warblers in the parking lot at Losen Slote Creek Park in Little Ferry. In total 15 species of Warblers were seen with Redstarts being the predominant species.Most warblers were seen and heard in multiples with the exception of Wilson's and Canada, my only solos. Eastern Wood Pewee, Least and Willow Flycatcher were also seen and heard.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Migration rolls along

Well it seems that the radar maps showed birds moving actually held true to form the last few days.
67 Species of birds were seen in NJ Meadowlands yesterday. Warblers and Vireos as well as other neo-tropic migrants were spotted across the county. Hooded, Magnolia, Blue-winged, Black-throated Blue Warblers were spotted over the last few days. Least Sandpiper numbers increased in Meadowlands as well as the first of season Semipalmated Plovers. Glossy Ibis have been around DeKorte park and other locations in Meadowlands. Little Blue Heron was spotted yesterday in The Meadowlands. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Scarlet Tanagers are starting to arrive with birds seen at McFaul Environmental Center, Halifax Rd. in Mahwah and Lorrimer Sanctuary. A Virginia Rail was viewed at The Celery Farm as well as numerous warblers including Blue-winged Warbler. Migration should continue through the weekend of the World Series of Birding or Big Day and be very productive. Little Blue photo is from the NJ Meadowlands.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The birds keep moving

Slowly but surely migrants are making their way through Bergen County. Lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers were seen in NJ Meadowlands, with many singing Savannah Sparrows. The new arrivals there are Orchard Oriole and Indigo Bunting. At various location including The Celery Farm, warblers like Northern Waterthrush, Louisiana Waterthrush, Black-throated Green, Black and White, Palm, Common Yellowthroat, Prairie, Yellow and Redstart were seen the last 2 days. Multiple Horned Grebes, Blue-winged Teal and Lesser Scaup were seen on the Hackensack River from River Barge Park. Brown Thrashers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak and an early Blue Grosbeak have seen spotted.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Migration gets going but so does the wind

Migration is moving along now. More passerines are being spotted such as Blue-headed Vireos, Yellow Warblers, Northern Parula, Northern Waterthrush, Black and White Warbler, Chipping Sparrows, Marsh Wren and an early Blue Grosbeak, spotted at Halifax Rd. Mahwah. Shorebirds are moving into The Meadowlands, as are more swallows. Friday's cold and wind kept the swallows down on the ground or in the phragmites. This is a great time to check through the numbers for Cliff and Bank. Both were seen along the Marsh Discovery Trail in DeKorte Park. Broad-winged Hawks are being seen heading north. Blue-winged Teal are being spotted in a few locations including The Meadowlands. Lingering waterfowl include American Wigeon in Franklin Lakes Preserve, Bufflehead and Northern Shovelers in DeKorte, and Ruddy Ducks in the Hackensack River viewed from Little Ferry. Cliff Swallows form Friday morning at Richard DeKorte Park.